Rules and Regulations
1. All parents are required to read the Terms and Conditions of ‘The Gymnastics Academy’. By signing the registration form, parents are agreeing to the ‘Release of Liability’ and to ‘The Gymnastics Academy’ Data Policy.
2. Step 1 on the website must be completed before any gymnastic classes are confirmed.
3. All children who attend ‘The Gymnastics Academy’ will be automatically guaranteed a place, at the same site, for the following term.
4. Each site has its own terms dates. Please note that ‘The Gymnastics Academy’ at DESS, runs to its own timetable and not to the schools.
5. Each site has its own rules and regulations, please read and be aware of them.
1. Fees are to be paid at the beginning of each term and by dates specified by ‘The Gymnastics Academy’. Each gym site may have different payment dates.
2. Fees are to be paid either by cash or by cheque, made out to ‘The Gymnastics Academy’. Cash or cheque should be placed in an envelope, with child’s name, class/site and contact telephone number on the front.
3. Enrollment in a class is a commitment for the term, or the balance of the term if is is a late start. We do not provide refunds if a child withdraws.
1. Gymnasts must wear a leotard or appropriate clothing for their class. Feet must be bare.
2. Long hair must be tied back as it can be hazardous.
3. Jewelleryis not permitted to be worn in the gym.
4. Water dispensers are available at all sites. We encourage children to use the dispensers instead of bringing their own water bottles into the gym.
5. All sites have a nut free policy. Nut snacks are not permitted.
6. ‘The Gymnastics Academy’ cannot take responsibility for gymnasts outside of their allocated class times.
7. Personal belonging are the responsibility of the child. The Gym Academy cannot be held responsible for loss or damage.
8. Make up sessions are only offered to children who have long term injury or illness.
1. ‘The Gymnastics Academy’ at all sites has a policy of ‘No Parents in the Gym’, in line with gymnastic clubs around the world.
2. Parents will be invited to observe classes on allocated days during the year.
3. If you have any questions, please speak to a coach either before or after your child’s lesson.
4. Do not let your child bring valuables to the gym. ‘The Gymnastics Academy’ is not responsible for valuables that go missing from either the gym, changing room or school site. If valuables have to be brought in, they should be in the gym and a coach should be made aware so they can be made safe.
5. It is very important that you keep ‘The Gymnastics Academy’ updated on any change to contact details or mobile phone numbers.
6. Please be on time to collect your child. If you are know you are going to be late, you are required to contact the coach in charge. If you have arranged for someone else to pick up your child, please inform the coach in charge.
7. ‘The Gymnastics Academy’ reserves the right to cancel a child’s lesson, if a parent is consistently late in collecting their child. This will result in the current terms fees being forfeited.
8. It is a requirement that you must inform ‘The Gymnastics Academy’ if a child will not be returning to class the following term. This must be done before the start of a new term.
1. Inform the coach at the start of a class, if you are feeling ill, injured or if any medical conditions have changed.
2. Warm up is very important, try to be on time.
3. Gymnasts must not go on the equipment without supervision of a coach.
4. Gymnasts that do not listen, behave in an inappropriate manner, who may be a danger to themselves and/or to others, will be asked to sit out. This is for the safety of the club.
5. Bullying is not tolerated. Any member who is found to be bullying may end up with suspension from the club.
6. ‘The Gymnastics Academy’ reserves the right to cancel the attendance of a gymnast if he/she is found to be misusing/abusing any site facilities, equipment or bringing ‘The Gymnastics Academy’s’ name into disrepute in any manner.